Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Olive benefits

Olive papers containing chemical compounds that inhibit bacteriasuch bacteria and viruses

, fungi and parasites, and is characterized by olive leaf on other medicinal herbs being irrelevant side effect or multiples intoxication, so do not fear of addressed in abundance, although there are olive leaf sold in pharmacies or herbaria Western countries extracts , the use of olive leaf astray possible and easy and accessible to everyone, but what we fear is the use this information marketing purposes or commercial, there is no mystery in terms of experience, because the olive leaf known to everyone, and we want to advise people to consume without reservations or fear of any danger , and leave all the wrong way, such as rumors: I heard in the channel, or told me one, or read in some newspaper, all the gossip this topic is not unfounded and possibly enter the doubt in people not Bstfedon of physical therapy.
The olive leaf consume several forms, including the land and green an infusion or in the form of powder or Kettle in the water. If the wild olive fruit which does not give it the best. All people and call not to buy these securities, and Iktnoha free and let greed, and go back to the high values that Yesterday the in the UK from where many things are not sold, it is can not afford to do this good there is nothing good in it, and ask the citizens Mounatiq frequently the natural Olive, which does not address the pesticide to provide the brothers cities Bhdh stock. Because they found in abundance and traders should Isthioa of people, and not to sell their stock this topic in order to bless our God in their treatment, as well as recommending Valsedkh and medicine for the same.

Chemical properties:
Olive leaves contain a compound Alawlorobien, a substance tannins composed of molecule acid Alalenolak associated with a molecule of glucose and there is no Alalenolak acid in the of nature the free-form, but the form of a component of the composite Alawlorobien, and where decompose Alawlorbeyen inside the body or under the influence of bacteria lactic fermented olives freed Alalenolak acid automatically. And unite Alalenolak acid with calcium in the body to give Alanolat calcium compound which is the active substance that inhibit bacteria, and has the uncanny power to viruses, including HIV virus disease loss, and the characteristics of of this component that prevents oxidation mild cholesterol or LDL. WHDH property as well as give it the power to prevent the serious intravascular platelets, and prevents humble of heart and artery disease.
And chemical properties of the the component Alanolat the calcium that inhibitory enzymes including enzyme Transferase and bite enzymes analyst proteins Protease enzymes which is used by viruses of type Retrovirus Mtthel virus immune loss of disease. A composite Alanolat calcium that goes to the host cells or bearing viruses, which inhibits the multiplication of viral units within the bearing her cells, and is well known in the science of bacteria that Alvairsat have the same method that multiplies by a method of parasitism, where the injecting virus genetic material of any DNA within the target cell , then cutting the DNA of the cell family to prevent the virus-bearing cell units to units Vairoseh frequently, Vtnfjr this cell and graduated viruses. The viruses do not reproduce on their own at Yale Khsab other cells either Gerthonah or animal or vegetable. Since they are not integrated cells Eliminating it is difficult or impossible, because antibiotics or drugs do not affect the viral units, and therefore diseases viral does not address and there is no cure for rheumatoid Alvairose liver b will, there is no cure for the disease immune loss, there is no cure for the virus cold, and there is no cure for herpes virus and the virus and virus Alonfeluyenza Bangkok and Alonkologih viruses or cancer-causing.

It is known that Tannery substances or polyphenols found in olive stops Activity wet muscles, and reduce the appearance of scratches sclerotherapy intravascular, and affect polyphenols on Aloxaegn heat stainless interaction, and the oxidation of fat and the secretion of interleukin-b 1 ((1B and the correlation matrix unilateral membranes and the enzymes Konzim Allepoksgniz 5 5-lipoxygenase and Elkinaz Q - Protein Kinase C and play materials Tannery role in controlling the balance between heavy and light LDL / HDL cholesterol. because the problem of cholesterol does not lie in quantity but in the shape or Alnog which is it, so we talk about the cholesterol malignant, and cholesterol HDL. and works polyphenols prevent the oxidation of cholesterol HDL in terms of not turn into cholesterol Khbayt. featuring polyphenols found in olive being able to curb and prevent the activity of the enzyme xanthine Oksidiz Xanthineoxydase an enzyme that accelerate and facilitates the emergence of cancerous swellings.

Diseases that can be treated with olive extract:
The most important of what can be treated with olive leaves high pressure,
Eating olive water or olive leaf or olive leaf juice powder reduces pressure quickly and Bith but with free meat and dairy diet
Cardiovascular disease, including blockages and internal rigidities of blood vessels
Cholesterol and lipids in the blood
Food poisoning

The olive leaf benefit as well as the beauty of it is used to wash dental, hair, legs, and removes the herpes if situation olive extract spots on the the face and rub well as patches and tablets in genital herpes. And drips in the minimum to be cleared of Altkhmjat or gonorrhea or pus, and cleansed the minimum for normal people.

Ways to use olive leaf: where we get the infusion dark yellow Ouyemil something
The first method:
Grind olive leaf (kilo leaves with liters of water) with boiling water or with a metal water in the electrical grinding machine and then leave the mixture for two hours, then drain on a thick cloth or strainer or cotton extracted and placed in a dark bottle and measuring non-transparent place,

The second method:
Boil green land or olive leaf after thoroughly washed in water for two hours and then leave it to cool, then Strain to dark.

The third way:
Dried olive leaves after washing and then grind electric machine or Tqlibdbh Barhi or knock Balmedkh even become a Msahouka thin can be screened on the network or cloth as sifted Adakkbak to get the fluffy powder can be mixed with any liquid or with soup or with honey or with a meal can also be added any product to be easy consumption
Tags: types of trees


Kinds of dogs Algirmn

There a dog Jermain Shepherd Other Names:
German herding dog - Blackjack German - police dog - German dog.
Chttp://culture-unlimited2.blogspot.com/ountry of origin for

Jermaine Shepard:

A German origin a dog.
Height Jermaine Shepard:

Dog the male 61-66 cm.
Dog female 56-61 cm.
Jermaine Shepard weight:

The dog male 35 - 43 kg.
Dog female 34-39 kg.
Learning for Jermaine Shepard:

Very good.
Jermain Shepard color:

Black and brown with rust on the head and body and feet marks.
Hair or scalp of Jermaine Shepard:

Hair or scalp-length medium - thick - protect against heat and cold, and insects.
Combing regular brushing.
Average age Jermaine Shepard:

11-13 years.
Jermaine Shepard mood:

Dog the German grazing high level of IQ, loyalty, and obedience to the owner level enjoys a very smart - courage - vigilance - bold - fun - eager - not a hostile - and can be considered great watchdog warns of strangers - have a high ability to learn.
German herding dogs and loves to be close to the owner and be cautious toward strangers, and preferably not be left isolated for a long period of time for the owner.
German herding dogs bark only when it is necessary and is usually good with other pets.
General Information about Jermaine Shepherd - German herding dog:

German herding dog - Jermaine Shepherd dog was called Nature - wolf dog and hails from Alsace in Germany.
Herding dogs German dogs graceful powerful - and enjoy the sense of a strong smell is unprecedented in the world where they help the police in the detection of narcotics and explosives, as well as used in the hunt for fugitives, as well as longer dog rescue - is a dog guide helps the blind (Aldriren) to walk or walking.
And enjoys herding dogs German high intelligence and loyalty and obedience to the level of its owner, a very smart - courage - eager - vigilance - bold - fun - and their ability to learn and it is not hostile - and can be considered an excellent watchdog warns of strangers.
Where dogs can be trained Jermaine Shepard easily by trained professionals to do several things:
1. Kaharash (government and private establishments and residential buildings, factories, labs).
2. bodyguard (Body guard).
3. The police and customs help to search and detect explosive material or substance, as well as used to chase fleeing criminals.
4. help people with special needs and blind to walk or walking.
Health issues - health problems for the dog Jermaine Shepard:

Many of the dogs Jermaine Shepard grows back hip abnormally offbeat - in addition to the skin disease - and of nerve the situation of a dog Jermaine Sheppard - as well as the bones of Athab Aloakedam or legs and dogs are prone to heart disorders and genetic diseases.
To avoid the problems of growth and health problems of genetic diseases, you have to buy a dog Jermaine Shepherd - German herding dog from a breeder dogs with a good reputation.
Buy a dog Jermaine Shepherd - German herding dog

If you have desire to buy a dog Jermaine Shepherd dogs - Jermaine Shepherd dogs guard dog - a personal guard dog - a dog I want Garde - a guard dog buildings - Jermaine Shepherd puppies detect the explosives - Jermaine Shepherd dogs detect drugs - Jermaine help blind - guard dog houses -kalp guarded facility - factories guard dog - a dog rescue - a guard dog family, you have arrived in the proper place where we have a specialized team of experts and specialists assist you in choosing a puppy or dog that suits your lifestyle and style

The most dangerous kinds of dogs

Most dangerous types of of dogs

There many and varied types of dogs, some of which is a pet, and the other very ravenous, and we'll talk in this article about the types dogs because the

y are predators that pose a threat to the around.

The dog (Pit Bull) the most dangerous dogs in the world; this is a dog of the most dog lethal, features Albitbool large and ugliness strength; as a lot of other dogs can not get away from it, and uses Albitbool to Azali dogs, wild boars and hunt, but this dog a strong jaw and the structure of muscle to help him end of it compared to him on the offense.

It is dangerous species also dog named (Masteff); as this dog has many attributes, including: steadfastness, but this dog high skill in predation, and the ability of the distinctive smell odors, and moves very fast, an Argentine dog uses wild boar hunting and participates in hunting games, and is a strong contender this dog is difficult to overcome, and has a willingness to attack fiercely, and this kind of dogs do not fall ill, frequency or anxiety.

Characterized dogs (Tosa Innu), a large and strong dogs fighting legendary, one of Japan, called the fighting dogs because of innate instinct attack has towards other animals, although the training of these dogs is not a good, or the owner made a mistake in her education may turn its attack on humans. This type of dogs are very few for other dogs.

The dogs (your root IL) also of the fiercest and most dangerous dogs types which have the force structure, and unzip strong, and this German dogs have sharp temperament, do not use a guard, but if he owner to exercise a way that allows him to control and what you are doing.

We note that many countries banned the import of these types of dogs, for risks that can not be ignored, has been issuing decisions to execute a lot of these dogs because of the danger to humans. And to think hard about what progress we have to move away from the dogs of all kinds, but of necessity; Upon the occurrence of any problem with the dogs can be averted only if the coach is and could be controlled

Knock off

Deployed a lot of education about the effects of smoking on the body campaigns not only on himself a smoker, but all of the surrounding smoker from family and friends, there are intense efforts to curb smoking in public places, markets and offices to reduce the effects of smoking, but

unfortunately problem still exists and threaten the health of society and the spread of dangerous diseases caused by the smoking habit, and in the following lines offer you a range of serious diseases as a result of the effects of smoking:

- Lung cancer and show 70% in smokers than others.

- Throat cancer and shows 10% in smokers than others.

- Various cardiovascular diseases.

- High blood pressure and accelerated heartbeat.

- Increase in the proportion of cholesterol in the blood.

- Tooth decay and gingivitis.

- Lip and tongue cancer.

- Anorexia.

- Insomnia and fatigue.

- Inflammation of the stomach ulcer.

-adaf Sexual ability in both sexes.

- Weakens the memory.

- Affect the weight of the fetus in pregnant women.

So Dear smokers you attention to the damage that smoking stares at you as a result of smoking, as it is not significant.

Tree leaves

Of human knew Codification and recording since time immemorial, and use stones, trees, minerals, to this end, the walls of temples Vazdant news of military victories and the most important events, and minted coins on the names of the referees.

It was then that ِِman has developed a new material for the record, is the

paper, he entered a new era. Varied materials used in the production of paper in different nations and ages; pharaohs began using bulrush (Papyrus), and is derived from the term paper in English (Paper)

Then the Chinese Besnaath paste problem of hemp fibers, and mulberry bark, and rags, where they ferment, then singled out to dry, and used to write them.

After Christmas appeared different types of paper, use Alongelusakson beech tree bark. The Greeks and Romans, they used a thin types of goat skins and young cows in writing instruments.

Upon the arrival of the Islamic conquest of Central Asia, contact Muslims Chinese civilization, and took her paper industry. Muslims, setting up a plant for paper in Samarkand in 751.

Since then, the paper industry has spread throughout the Islamic Caliphate, like any civilized Muslims industry has ever known and developed, Harun al-Rashid, setting up a plant for paper in Baghdad aided Palmerh workers coming from the industry of Samarkand. Then the paper industry was soon spread and boomed, setting up factories for paper Muslims in Egypt and the Maghreb.

European paper industry did not know, but at the hands of Muslims, where they constructed a paper mill in Valencia, Andalusia in 1100, and then in the city Vpriano Sicily in 1276.

The two moved the industry to the rest of Europe, which showed the paper industry in Turin, Italy, in 1348, and known to Germany in 1391, followed by the United Kingdom in the fifteenth century.

At the end of the eighteenth century, noted the French nature Rene Antoine de Rimur (René Antoine de Réamure) that certain types of wasps build nests of similar material to paper cardboard, and keeps track of these wasps, found that they are feasting on the core timber, chew, and then build their nests from him, so he - since Alehin- replace wood pulp fiber and rags; where he is extracted pulp wood from the forest trees, and then mixed with water until it becomes lump, then singled and dried Faiser Desktop).

In order to extract the pulp from trees to be thawed article carnivores for wood fiber, known as (lignin), and the process of dissolution initially performed using a round stones huge-like molar, which paid the trunks of trees, and the result of severe friction produces enough heat to melt the lignin.

But now the heat has become produced from an initial heating of the trunks of wood process, then you pay cut wood between the high-speed rotating discs, thereby creating a fragment of wood to fiber.

In the fifties of the nineteenth century American chemist could Tljman Benjamin (Benjamin C. Tilghman) to draw pulp processing wood powder with a solution of sulphurous acid under the hot steam. In 1883, the German inventor Karl countries (Carl Dohl) by adding sodium sulfate to the caustic soda in the process of extracting the core of the timber, which produced the appropriate kind for the manufacture of paperboard used in the manufacture of cardboard boxes of various paper and containers.

In some paper mills are combined the previous two methods; the chemicals are added, then the resulting mixture to pay roller to separate the fiber disks.

With the continuous development in the paper industry, the extraction process is performed using the means of becoming more complex, and are controlled using a computer.

After the completion of the extraction process, the pulp enters the refining process, by passed it through the rotary segments within the refinery; thereby creating a biodegradable wood fiber cell walls, which leads to the formation of fibers more flexible. And repeating the process several times is obtained

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